Thursday, March 26, 2009

A list of hate

William: I feel I have to say, I don't hate people, I just find certain things they do obnoxious now and then. The following are a few examples:
1. People who talk to movies and expect a response, like the characters are going to carefully consider what you said and then act accordingly. No, the cute bunny about to get eaten by the coyote cannot hear you, but the rest of the people around you certainly can. Please, not everyone has to hear you comment on every single thing that happens in a movie. Completely unnecessary.
2. People who like to employ awkward use of physical contact. I don't like physical contact with people I hardly know.
3. People who obnoxiously overuse nicknames. Its my name and I like it; please use it.
4. You end every single sentence with a question mark and an upward inflection. I was at the mall? With some friends? And I saw this guy? At the counter?...ect...ect.

Kaitlyn: Upon closer examination of my inner self, I have found, also, that I hate some people but most people I just hate the things they do. But there are still those I hate with a passion. Here are some things I hate:
1. I hate when I people are talking to me on the phone and not devoting their attention to me. It may sound selfish, but it is one of my biggest pet peeves when someone calls me and then proceeds to not talk to me.
2. I hate people who think they are my friend but they're not. Not just friends, but like OMG BFF'S! It's annoying.
3. I hate people who sit in front of you on airplanes and put their seat down. Can I rant about this for a little? Ok. So I was on an airplane with a full ten hour flight ahead of me. A couple sits down with their one year old in front of me. The baby is sitting in front of me. The parents proceed to PUT THE BABY'S SEAT COMPLETELY DOWN. I honestly wanted to kill someone. Really? A baby needs leg room? It's an effing BABY. It made me seriously want to strangle the nearest passenger. After an hour, I couldn't take it. I couldn't feel my legs. So I politely said to the mother "Um, if there's no one sitting in that seat, would you mind putting the seat up?" She looked at her husband and was like "Uhhh... sure..." I don't care if it was rude. I don't care if it was inconsiderate. It's a baby. Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Movies: Its more then gore

William: I have not been having a good day. Potholes have stolen my car's hubcaps, spare tire, and two hours of my time on my way to a movie theater. On the ride as my temper flared and every second brought me closer to the ground, the only thing passing through my mind was "This movie better be pretty motherfreakin' good or the population of the planet is gonna take a little downturn!" Watchmen, however, failed to impress. I realize the stereotypical teenage guy is looking for an action movie with lots of gore and spraying blood. That is not what I look for in movies, I usually look for small nuances such as say, character development, not-crappy actors, and a plot line that I can actually follow. I appreciate the heavy metal destruction of 300, but at least it didn't last three frickin hours. To be fair, when a friend of yours who's favorite movie is Cloverfield, a movie about a giant robot that destroys a town filmed "Blair Witch Project" style, says and I quote "I f---in loved Watchmen", alarm bells should have gone off. But I figured, "Hollywood spent over a million dollars on this, its been a work in progress for five years, how bad can it be?" Answer: Bad.

Kaitlyn: Yeah ok WTF. That was one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful. But the initial awe I had lasted, at most, an hour. Then I realized, hey, I don't know what the f's going on here, I can't understand what half the people are saying (Rorrchevsjurrrnell?), and that was one of the worst sex scenes I've ever had to sit through with my father. It was truly an experience I completely regret. This is what I gathered from the plot: this guy gets killed, but no one knows why, and Russia and the US are very mad at each other because of bombs, then some superheros get involved, but they all hate each other, but they work together to figure out who killed that one guy, but that one guy's really bad apparently, and then two of the superheros fall in lust, and then the glowing guy is trying to figure something out, but he goes to Mars for awhile so we don't see him, then the guy with the blond hair is really smart, but the whole story is being told by some guy who goes to prison and kills a midget, but then he busts out, and then on Mars there's a big contraption that has no apparent purpose, but then that one guy is in Antartica because he decides that it's a good location for pyramids, but then a bunch of people die, but then it's ok because then more people aren't gonna die, and then Russia and America are friends. And then there's random scenes of violence. It makes zero sense to me. And that literally is only half of this pathetic excuse for a plot. It's like the writers think that the more confusing and less understandable they make it, the more people will believe it's a good movie. Not so.