Thursday, February 12, 2009

Banana Runts

Kaitlyn: I think everyone here agrees that banana runts are by far the best Runt in the bag. The shape of the banana, the feel of it, the taste... they're amazing. But you only get six, maybe seven per bag. That's the whole reason I buy Runts, for those delicious gems of gold. They should sell strictly the bananas. I would probably buy a lifetime's stock,  not gonna lie. 

William: I completely agree, I have to save all the bananas for last so I have a good taste after eating the candy. My next topic of angst and hate is made up fruits in cereal or candy. There is no such thing as "blue raspberry" period. There is no way I would want to eat a mutated fruit that makes a raspberry seem blue. You wouldn't eat a green peach, and likewise, I don't want to eat a blue raspberry. Seriously, it is not creative or appetizing to make up these new fruits, frankly, I find it insulting to my intelligence. Unless the maker was color blind there is no excuse for this travesty.

Kaitlyn: Exactly. Moreover, it doesn't event taste like a raspberry. It's some random made up flavor I think. But it's everywhere. There was some person, way far back, who thought it keen to make the entire world believe in a magical made up fruit. If I could find him, I'd tell him I think he's stupid, and then I'd kill him. But seriously, there needs to be an influx of banana Runts or I'll flip a b-word. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Okay so here's what you do:
    Take a real raspberry, chew and swallow.
    Then take a fake raspberry and repeat process.
    Then take a fake blue raspberry and again repeat.
    They all taste the same.
    But thanks for your opinion on fake fruit.
    It actually RAISED my IQ William instead of lowering it.
    At least I didn't actually need to hear you say this out loud.

  3. okay so here's what you do BELLA:
    f off.

  4. If you don't like, it please return to your friendless raspberry tasting life.


  5. By the way, where can I find a fake raspberry? MAKE SENSE WOMAN.

  6. Wow guys...
    What if you didn't know later that this was me??
    Would you have said this to a friend in person??
    BTW William:
    It's really hard to ignore your first comment.
    But please, continue to make people miserable.
    Hurting peoples feelings is so much fun, isn't it??

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Bella.

    If you're going to post ridiculous things on a blog by William and Kaitlyn, how do you not expect to get ripped to shreds? Think before you complain.

    Keep doing what you do, you two.

  9. Shut up.
    This is not between you and me
    it's me and them.

  10. Enough comments please. This is not funny, which is what our blog is supposed to be.


  11. Agreed. Enough nastiness, people, it's not becoming of respectable bloggers like ourselves.


  12. very respectable, and good-looking, brilliant, pretty much godlike all around I must say.



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