Thursday, February 12, 2009

The first strike for hate

William: I hate people who update their status every five minutes. There is no way anybody has a life so interesting it should concern me to look at it every five minutes. When people write Billy Bob is "eating dinner" you're obviously not eating dinner, because you're busy wasting your life updating your status. And I use the word life very sparingly, as you obviously don't have one. Their probably shouldn't be a tab called "friends" on your profile, because its pretty obvious you don't have any. Here's some advice. Pick up the phone. Dial a random number. When the person picks up, tell them everything that is happening to you or around you as fast as you can. Repeat process 24/7. Congratulations, now more people are actually paying attention to you then when you post useless crap on your profile.

Kaitlyn: You're right William. That is freaking annoying. Know what else I hate? People who Facebook Chat you when you don't freaking want to talk to them. The conversations usually go like this:
-Perpetrator: Hey
-Me: Hi.
And then it ends. WHAT?! You really chatted me so that you could just say hey?? Way to waste my freaking time. I have a busy life. I have things to do. I cannot afford to waste my CPU space on your arbitrary remarks. Save it for sometime when I can cause you actual physical harm for annoying me.

William: I despise chat speak, it makes you sound stupid: period. The English language evolved over 1,000 years, its not there for you to destroy in 10 years of obsessive texting. It takes me longer to figure out what "lol, ttyl, lmao, g2g, cya" means then if you wrote it out. Typing out a coherent sentence WILL NOT CAUSE YOU WRIST DAMAGE, please, for the love of language write rationally. I realize the occasional apostrophe or period at the end of sentences can be omitted, but really, get a life. Your IQ falls around to the level of "algae" when you can't write properly. Here's a message to the chat speak freaks: DQYDJ, its probably the only one you'll ever have.

Kaitlyn: William, I gotta say, I enjoy the occasional "lol." But that's just about it. Can we talk about people who display their personal relationships all over their walls? Yeah, it's really annoying. Seriously, the last thing I want to see when I'm Facebook stalking is two people discussing their favorite sex positions together. No. Not ok. Save it for when I can't see it. I barf a little bit in my mouth. It makes me sick. Their wall-to-wall is constantly peppered with "ilu" and "<3<3.">
William: I agree those hearts are freaking unnecessary. And also unnecessary is posting comments on random peoples photo albums. Seriously, when you comment on like ten its obvious you spent a day stalking me through my photo albums and that is known as creepy. Sure I enjoy the occasional stalking of people who awkwardly post their most intimate thoughts on others wall, but I don't leave a note afterwards that says "dear clueless, thanks for the laugh, I stalk you daily". So when you comment on ten pictures of how I look "sexy" without ever saying a word to me in the hallway I find it a little disturbing. And by that I mean really quite disturbing. I was confident in my image before your comment thank you, and you have now personally ruined a perfectly good picture that I enjoyed until it was filled with awkward comments. Next time try saying "hi" in a class or starting a casual conversation. Then you don't seem like a person I should take a restraining order out on.

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