Thursday, February 19, 2009

The death of fun

William: I hate it when the people in the computer lab close my window. Today I sat between two people, one watching a Halo youtube video and yelling obnoxiously, and the other surfing facebook. So I decides to pass time by playing a game of harmless bubble spinner, a pass time that does not involve screaming obscenities at a video game video, or surfing through 200 pictures of someone's Valentine's day party that does not seem age appropriate, simple Bubble Spinner media center specialists. As I'm clearing away, my window suddenly closes. Its 7:30 in the morning, there are tons of open computers around me and it sure doesn't seem like everyone else is on task. I apologize to whoever quit my game for attempting to focus my thoughts before school in a harmless game of bubble spinner. In a dangerous world, full of fear and uncertainty, I'd like to think a kid can still take refuge in harmless fun. But no. Apparently they cannot.

Kaitlyn: Agreed. Who the heck do they think they are? Honestly. I don't need a babysitter on the computer. Know what else I hate? When they send you an instant message about your overdue books. This bothers me for a number of reasons. 1) You can't talk back and tell them how annoying they are, 2) I'm trying to Facebook stalk, here, and 3) is there really an overwhelming amount of people requesting "The Conquest of the Balkans"? I don't think so. Bottom line, media center specialists overstep their authority BIG TIME. And now you're not allowed in there during a study hall? What's the point of the media center then? I don't get it.


  1. I hate them all. Librarians. Stupid uptight pansies who have nothing better to do than sit in silence and follow rules.

  2. Don't fuck around in the library

  3. Hey, unknown2454, don't f around on our blog.

  4. Hey, kaitlyn, suck my dick.


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